Wednesday, August 1, 2007


A pair of butterflies.

Pairs of circles taken at the water exhibit at the Science Center.

And some pairs of feet. Can you guess which are mine?


pat said...

Oh! Great shots! The butterflies are wonderful--nice depth of field on that one. Love the circles at the SciCenter; and the feet! What a clever idea!

Annette said...

I love these! Good creative thinking, Tenay! And nice shot of the butterflies.

Mom-entarily Out of Order said...

So clever!!! I look forward to your posts - they are always original.

periwinkle eye images said...

Tenay - I LOVE your work! Clever, unique ideas and interpretations! Pairs of feet - wonderful. And the pair of pastel paddles is also fun. Your photos, including close-ups of butterflies, just shout "fun!" and "exciting!" Great work. ML